Ring wells construction
Ring well: A ring well is constructed by excavating a shaft, generally manually and installing a casing where needed.
Dug wells are used extensively for domestic water supplies. They are generally not very deep because these cannot readily be sunk far enough below the water table.
Most of these are less than 50 feet deep. They generally yield only small supplies of water from water-bearing materials of rather low permeability near the top of the zone of saturation.
Ring Well which meets the following criteria -
a. Produce adequate quantity of water having acceptable quality round the year.
b. All necessary parts are in place.
c. Good, clean and effective platform is available.
d. Effective waste water disposal pit or drainage system is available.
e. Sanitary condition of Ring Well surrounding is satisfactory.
In coastal area bore well is not an option as water table is saline at upper level, ring well is constructed in these areas to tap sub surface water. Ring well have 3 feet to 20 feet diameter. Our expertise ensures that correct material is used and our skilled workers make sure it is safely constructed and proper covering is done.
Ring well in picture
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